Who do I work with
All women, sometimes men, and all the deep feelers who need support to take their power back.
For millennia, women have been conditioned by this power killing equation:
A good woman
a potentially good wife
a woman who accommodates others first

Therefore, some of this “good girl conditionning” remains wired in most women’s nervous system.
Does it sound like you?
– feeling depleted, holding tensions in your body
– feeling disconnected from your body, living in your head most of the time
– feeling disconnected from your desires
– feeling isolated, in need of a better support system, fed up with doing it all alone
– experiencing relationship anxiety, often finding yourself in a position of chasing or waiting
– experiencing a freeze when you want to express yourself authentically, ask for what you need, or set up boundaries
– feeling disconnected from everything and everyone, losing your inner aliveness
– feeling “blocked” when it comes to intimacy and sexuality
– feeling flat after orgasm / having no orgasm
– dealing with shame about your body, your sensuality, your sexuality
– dealing with shame about expressing your sensuality
– losing energy from overdoing or wanting to control
– accommodating others first and keeping yourself small
– feeling insecure and competitive with other women
– feeling stuck in some toxic relationships patterns
– feeling oversensitive and overwhelmed
– being fed up doing it all alone
– struggling with visibility when it comes to your career
– experiencing a brain fog when the topic is money
– spending too much time second guessing yourself and being tired of it
One yes or more ? You are not alone. I’ve been there too and found my way back to feel powerful and pleasured.
Let me precise why I speak about power, and not empowerment. It seems like men have power, and women only have empowerment, another thingy to work on themselves in their corner, without disturbing anyone. Let’s change that;
Power is relational.
Power is fueled by your connection to the erotic.
Power the contrary of fixity, it’s life force flowing through you. It moves you to create what you want.
I guide you to feel your power in your body, but most importantly, to use it when you relate.
This isn’t power over, this is power with. For you to create relationships that feed you instead of depleting you.
This is how we end the unspoken contract where women were leaking their life force for anyone else but them to benefit from it.