Credentials and Certifications

I read female bodies and help women to become fluent in translating to others their body signals accurately since more than 15 years;
● I’ve coached hundreds of women 1:1 online and in person, (and some men too).
● I’ve taught Women’s Workshops in Bali during 8 years in the most amazing studios: The Yoga Barn, The Practice Bali, Samadi Bali Yoga Center, the Canggu Studio.
● I’ve given seminars about Female Sexuality for the Bali Spirit Festival two years in a row.
● I’ve taught weekly Embodied and Yin Yoga classes at Samadi Bali Yoga Center for four years.
● I’ve taught Tantra Hatha Yoga classes in Rishikesh, India.
● I have been teaching tantra workshops in France and Australia, and yoga in France, Thailand and India.
● I’ve written 30+ articles for Elephant Journal.

●”Sex Love and Relationship” Coach, 600 hours training with Layla Martin, founder of the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, renamed VITA™ USA.
● Certified “Women Empowerment” Coach, 200 hours major training with Layla Martin, founder of the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, renamed VITA™ USA.
● The VITA™ certifications and the course “Creating a safer space” by Shelby Leigh qualify me as a Trauma Aware Coach.
● Certified to support mental health, healthcare and caring professionals overwhelmed by compassion fatigue, PESI, Debra Alvis, USA.
● Certified 300 hours Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher, (yoga+body mind centering) with Tara Judelle, Bali.
● Certified 200 hours Anusara Yoga teacher, with Tara Judelle, Bali.
● Certified 500 hours Tantra Yoga teacher, with Agama Yoga, Thailand.
● Certified Yin and Myofascial release practictioner with Beta Lisboa, Bali.
● Certified 56 hours “Well Woman Yoga Therapy” teacher, with Uma Dinsmore Tuli in Bali.
● Actually following the Somatic Experiencing’s 3 years training with psychiatrist Michel Schittecatte in France.
● Completed The transformative power of Eros; sexual devlopment, trauma, power dynamic and intimacy with Peter Levine and Kimberly Ann Johnson.
● Completed the Vagus Nerve Program, with physiotherapist Jessica Maguire, Brisbane, Australia.
● Completed all the DARE Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning Experience training; 1, 2, 3 and 4, with Diane Poole Heller.
● Completed “Somatic intervention for chronic pain and syndromes” trainings 1 and 2, trainings with Peter Levine and Diane Poole Heller.
● Completed “Somatic experinecing in action with deep rooted trauma, attachment wounds, chronic pain” training with Peter Levine.
● Completed the polyvagal informed therapy masterclass with Deb Dana.
● Completed 3 rounds of “Activate your inner jaguar” course with Kimberly Ann Johnson
TANTRIC PATH STUDIES (north Indian and tibetan)
● Completed Basics of Ayurveda philosophy course, Ayuskama institute, Dharamsala, India.
● Attended his Holiness the Dalai Lama teachings on tantra twice, Dharamsala, India.
● Studied with tantric master Sri Prem Baba, Rishikesh, India.
● Completed “Introduction to Buddhism” Meditation retreat and course with ordered nun Venerable Robina Courtin, Dharamsala, India.
● Completed “Wisdom of the goddess”, 1 and 2 , initiation into the Maha Vidyas, by Sally Kempton, USA.
And all that began with:
● Certified Tibetan and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki method of natural healing level 1 and 2 by master Denise Chadwick, in Byron Bay, Australia.