What I do

You deserve more than endless talks about childhood, positive affirmations, and manifesting this and that.
You deserve something real!
Most therapy modalities work on a cognitive level (thinking). They start from your story. They help you to understand your patterns. Sometimes thinking and problem solving work very well, sometimes it’s not enough. Why?
What we experience as blockages hide deeper than the thinking mind; the cortical part of the brain. They hide in the limbic or reptilian parts of the brain, the parts in direct connection with your whole body, through the network of your nervous system.
To access them, we need to listen to the body first. Instead of starting from the story, we’ll start from the sensations. It’s called a “bottom up” approach (body then head) versus “top down” (head to body).
The reason we begin with the bottom up is because sensations will give us a direct access to the architecture of your defense mechanisms in place. Humans feel first and then create meaning. It’s because of what you felt or didn’t want to feel earlier in life that your mind created thoughts, not the other way around. Repeated thoughts create beliefs. These beliefs dictate your behaviors. They might have been helpful in the past, but they are not serving you well to create what you want today. We need to deconstruct them physiologically in order to build a new neural network. The work I do does exactly this!
The way you sense yourself and how you feel will shift, and this will dictate your new behaviors and actions. Therefore you’ll experience different results. It will feel natural and powerful because it’s embodied.
We’ll work with the most effective set of tools. They come from the different modalities I have immersed myself in: tantra, tao, sacred sexuality and yoga blended with neuroscience, trauma principles, somatic release, and modern coaching.
The journey will be tailored for you, following what your body tells us.
You’ll also have simple and powerful homework practices to support the physiological change toward the new you.
The new you, by the way, is not really a new you. It’s more the you without the BS others (caregivers, society, medias, cosmetic industry…) threw at you.
Women have had a lot thrown at them though history ;
The witch hunt, the women forced into asylum when too unconventional, into a coven when not married, the women voluntarily forgotten by history, the Grimm brothers and Disney, the sexual harassment or misogyny at work, the porn industry dictating some beauty standards…you name it. And these are just examples from the western world.

This body of work is designed around these six pillars :
Your desires are sacred here. You didn’t invent them, they live in you . It’s time to acknowledge them and honour the ‘eff’ out of them.
In this desire-based coaching system, we don’t spend too much time on what holds you back, we focus on what you want. The vision of what you desire in your life will be the place we always come back to.
Emotional alchemy
From the first session we’ll unleash the stored emotions. You’ll experience a sense of spaciousness and a rush of energy. When this energy moves in you, it energizes you to move too. But now you’ll be in charge of directing it, since your creative juices will be flowing.
Good news: Confidence isn’t a trait. It’s a skill you can develop.
So we’ll train. That you stand your ground in any conversation, turn the tables when you wish and ask for what you want.
This is how you influence all your relationships.
Sexuality, pleasure, the erotic and money !
A woman body is wired for a life of orgasm and pleasure.
Sexual pleasure is the key to feeling more alive and often the missing piece for women to experience radical empowerment.
I have seen it in my practice, pleasure and money are related.
Being a pleasured woman fuels your business or your career. Money flow is blocked when you disconnect from your erotic nature.
Your genitals are literally where life is generated. If there’s a disconnect, you’ll have to work twice hard in life for everything you want to create.
Let’s reclaim your source of life force : your pussy power!
(There will be no nudity, touch or explicit demonstrations during the sessions.)
High sensitivity and boundaries
Like most of my clients, I am HSP (highly sensitive person) and it’s a genetic trait. I feel you wanting to hide in a world where success looks like it’s only for loud “go-getters”.
But you have this great gift of being able to tune into what’s alive. And I want you to realize all that you can use it for: feeling the next trend, having great sex, being in the best career or leadership role, etc.
The secret to be able to use your super power: clear boundaries.
Trauma and repair
Trauma isn’t just PTSD, it’s broader than that and includes all fear responses.
Trauma hides behind all sorts of patterns of protections, and that’s where connections are lost. When you armor yourself, you live and interact in defensive mode. We’ll teach your nervous system how to recognize what’s safe and what’s not, and to act accordingly.
This will restore your sense of trust in yourself, which is the best birth place for nourishing, loving and supporting relationships.
Ready to break free from the “good girl” cage?
Single Session
Duration: 1 hour
200 USD
5 Sessions Package
5 coaching sessions of one hour each.
850 USD
10 Sessions Package
10 coaching sessions of one hour each.
1500 USD